Join us on our South Coast rally to Poole. Berthing reservations have been made at Poole Quay Boat Haven on Saturday and Sunday night. Land based participants are welcome to join the rally anytime from Saturday afternoon.
Saturday 24th May
Boats to make their way to Poole Quay Haven marina.
Sunday 25th May
Monday 26th May
Crew to return to home ports.
Information for skippers:
Please check pilotage information.
Your host will be Luke Hutchings
Any questions, please email
Crew seeking berths are initially advised to visit the club Facebook ‘Crew Match’ page. If you are unsuccessful or not in the Facebook group, you are welcome to contact the event host.
Land based participants are as always welcome to join, and may wish to take advantage of one of the local hotels or B&B's in the area.
1. Register your attendance via the S&CA website by 20th May
2. Visit the Facebook CrewMatch page for all crewing opportunities
3. Upon approach, skippers will be required to contact the harbour / marina by VHF 77 for specific berthing instructions. (please state you are part of the S&CA / Sailing & Cruising Association Rally)
4. You can bring along friends, but remember to ‘add guest’ at the point of your registration. Guests can only be added at the time of registration. If you later want to add a guest and the event did not require payment please cancel your registration and re-register adding your guest. If your registration did require payment please contact the event host.
We are very much a social club, but participants must please be mindful of the inherent dangers of alcohol consumption and proximity to water. There have been incidents in past events of participants consuming excessive alcohol and falling from pontoons into the water. Each of these events could, but for luck, have resulted in tragic consequences. Please be mindful of your alcohol consumption on club events, and take particular care to ensure that you can get yourself safely back on board at the end of a social evening. We need to look after each other, so if you notice that another participant is showing effects of intoxication, please make other members of their crew aware, and ensure that they are not returning to the boats or pontoons alone.
Please also be aware of the additional risks when using dinghies / tenders, which has also resulted in event participants being unintentionally in the water.
Please use the links below for safety advice from the RYA and RNLI:
The club will endeavour to provide full refunds for event charges when cancellations are made by you through the Website and made in good time. Normally, a week before the event is due to take place will be sufficient.
If the club has made third party bookings, paid deposits or made other commitments, it may be that only a partial refund or no refund is offered.
Where a refund is requested due to dissatisfaction with third party goods or services, a refund will only be offered if such refund is also made to the club by the third party.